In-Cardiome version 1.0

  • 995 Genes

  • 1204 completed clinical trails

  • 14 databases and 5 data integration tools

  • 12 different drug classes with 62 approved drugs

  • 13 Functional categories using Integrative ontology approach

  • Analysis of 3 major risk factors Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity From IARS study

  • Gene expression of diseased human and mice in comparison with controls

In-Cardiome knowledgebase

In-Cardiome (Integrated Cardiome Database) is an integrated knowledgebase developed by coherently converging independent datasets into unified platform to create a valuable source for improved clinical and scientific understanding of Coronary Heart Disease / Coronary Artery Disease (CHD/CAD). By integrating 20 different data sources using network of Functional Communicating Ontologies (FCO's) and correlating to Indian Atherosclerosis Research Study (IARS), we have shown association between different risk factors to CAD from molecular level to clinical phenotypes. Furthermore, by incorporating biomarkers, drug-drug target networks and gene expression profiles from animal models and patients, we have provided single unified platform for improved scope of translational research and drug discovery/development in cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Funded by Thrombosis Research Institute and Bharti Foundation

©copyright 2016 (Diary No. 1341/2017-CO/SW.) , Thrombosis Research Institute